• 1-917-725-3101
  • office@digitalmarketingcraft.com
  • Manhattan, USA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions will arise and we will work to answer as many of them as possible.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a form of marketing which incorporates the heavy use of technology to understand the customer cycle and position your business to maximize those touch points.

Why should I use a Digital Marketing Agency?

When you make use of an agency, you access the benefits of several experts. Think of it as your access point to a reservoir. Therefore rather than have to employ a single individual to manage your marketing, you have a single point of a wider area from conceptualizing the idea and strategy to implementation to analytics and follow-up

What makes us different?

We are a boutique sized agency...and therefore the ability to be agile and nimble is there. Even though we are this sized, as we mentioned before we've worked on growing businesses to beyond the million dollar mark.

What is the best social media platform?

The best platform depends on your business and your strategy. What may work for someone in a retail shop may not work with someone such as a fitness and personal trainer. Therefore there is no one shoe fits all answer - it actually depends on you. Remember you are unique...!